Tag: Eternal Life

Make It Personal, Make It Real

Like many of you, Iā€™ve been praying for our world, our nation, our state, those in the trenches who are at risk for COVID-19 and my family. But surprisingly, Iā€™ve lost little sleep over this pandemic. My Father in Heaven has given me peace. Why is that?

I know He can eradicate this virus because He is the Almighty Creator. I also know that nothing that brings death originates from God. His intent for us at Creation was life, not death. It still is. So why, in His sovereignty, did He allow this to infiltrate the world?

The answer is LIFE. Not life in the here and now but forever life. Almighty God wants us to live eternally. He doesnā€™t want us to live only in the finite where idols sneak in to rule our lives. Things and experiences that we covet and enjoy–new cars, vacations, sports, entertainment, food, fitness, etc.

None of the above is inerrantly wrong. But when those activities and items consume our time and energy, we forfeit how God wants us to live.

Whatā€™s our next step? Godā€™s prescription is simple yet profound: ā€œIf my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.ā€ 2 Chronicles 7:14

My role: Humble myself; pray and seek His face; turn from my evil ways (thoughts, actions, apathy, critical spirit, self-indulgence, self-pity, self-righteousness, self-absorption. . .)

Godā€™s response: Hear from heaven, forgive my sin, and heal my land.

photo credit: Thank you, my friends, Adam! Broken Wing via photopin (license)

In the Rearview Mirror

I blink! Another year passes. And another. In my seventh decade, time has shifted into warp speed. When I realized 2019 closed out a decade, I couldnā€™t help but reflect on the last ten years.

On January 1, 2010, I would not have known my parents would pass into eternity within the decadeā€™s first three years. Neither would Iā€™ve comprehended that our children would marry the loves of their lives and then grace Al and me with the most beautiful granddaughters in the universe. Too often I said they would never marry. ā€œAl and I will never be grandparents!ā€

Thankfully I was wrong!

 Iā€™m not going to make any New Yearā€™s predictions for 2020 or for any decade to come. I truly donā€™t want to know the future this side of Heaven. If Iā€™ve learned one thing in 65 years, itā€™s this: I donā€™t know what tomorrow brings so I will live in real time, praising a real Savior.

Jesus cradles my time and circumstances in his hands. How do I know that? From the past. Heā€™s been faithful and I know He cares for me now and forever.

If you donā€™t have Jesus in your life, consider the fact that He died to give you eternal life. While time in this finite world matters, itā€™s not the end of your story. Nor is it the end of mine.

Look back but also look ahead. Your final destination is at stake.

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